St Pius X strives to provide a safe and caring environment, where the unique gifts and talents of our students are recognised and celebrated. The Positive Behaviours for Learning (PB4L) framework is implemented at St Pius X to help create these vibrant and positive learning environments in which all students are supported to reach their full potential.
PB4L is an evidenced-based, organisational framework for behaviour support to enhance respectful relationships and engagement of students in their learning. It encompasses a broad range of systemic and individualised strategies and agreed practices, for achieving important social and academic outcomes for all students.
This framework is an integral component of the CEDoW Student Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Policy, which articulates the need for schools to ‘play an active role in building a positive learning environment where the whole school community feels included, connected, safe and respected’.
All staff at our school work together to explicitly teach and correct agreed behaviour expectations in school-wide, non-classroom and classroom settings, based on these simple, yet effective school rules that underpin who we are and what we do at St Pius X.
Students at St Pius X follow three key school rules:
St Pius X's positive and supportive PB4L framework allows for a planned way to meet the behavioural needs of all children in our school. Staff use the framework to support students in their academic and social formation, taking time to explicitly model appropriate behaviours and allowing them opportunities to practise these in all school settings. Students in Stage 3 also act as mentors for our younger students as they adjust to the routines of primary school, taking on a ‘buddy’ each year from Kindergarten or Year 1. Read more in our PB4L Information Flyer.
Staff use positive reinforcement to provide feedback to students on their behaviour, either verbally or through the use of a behaviour reward system. Classroom Meetings are held each fortnight to discuss any issues the children have and to also celebrate achievements within their class. Read more in our Student Voice Information Flyer.
Parent and carer support is an integral part of the success of PB4L at our school, and we thank you for your ongoing cooperation and support.